Lawn Fertilization Service

Lawn fertilization service is our specialty at Liqui Green Lawn and we use a secret formula developed by our founder back in 1990. This special blend of fertilizers is better and more effective than the generic formulas used by some other lawn feed and weed companies throughout Colorado.

Our most effective lawn service consists of 6 applications spread out up to 6 weeks apart. Each customer and season is a little different and we adjust our formula and application intervals based on your location, yearly rainfall and temperatures for the season.

In the spring we use a fertilizer that is balanced for Broadleaf weed control, while in the summer your lawn has different nutritional needs and we use a balance of micronutrients for heat stress. In the fall we use a higher nitrogen balance to prepare for the colder season and maintain the greenest lawn possible.

lawn fertilizer service

 Controlling insects is also a concern so we include treatment for sod webworms in our 6 application lawn fertilization service but for other problems like grubs special treatments may be necessary.
Watering your lawn in morning or evening before each application is also essential to guarantee a Liquigreen Lawn that will be the envy of your neighbors.

We also offer an Organic Lawn Fertilization Program If you are looking to go 100% natural. Whichever way you choose Liquigreen Lawn of Grand Junction, Colorado has the nutrition your yard needs.